We believe in the power of education to future generations to eradicate poverty. Our country has
large sections of poor and young children surviving without education. We help educate
underprivileged children for better tomorrows.
Education impacts poverty, income inequality, shelter, sanitation, water, and better healthcare
facilities utilization. Every child must receive a quality education. ISFH strives to Protect the
Right to Education by offering education opportunities to the poor and underprivileged children.
We distribute back-to-back education supplies to continue the poor children’s education. The
education kit includes school bags, books, uniforms, stationery, and travel expenses. Based on
the requirement, electronic equipment and software assistance are provided to the poor children
to attend digital/ online classes. We call to participate in our mission to save the neglected
children of India.
Right to education is a need for India now as quality education can break the deprivation of
opportunities to live in acceptable living standards. The higher the level of education, the less
likely the individuals fall below the poverty line. Higher Education gives quality skills and
knowledge leading to earning high income.