About the Program
Food is the foremost need for a human, and lack of food is a violation of human rights. The government is doing the best to feed the hungry in India. Hunger is the most painful thing for any individual. We are suffering from hunger deaths, malnutrition, child wasting, and child stunting since decades back. Lack of sufficient income is the primary reason for food deprivation, and the ISFH Foundation has initiated multiple programs to empower the living standards of the impoverished. To fulfill the basic needs of the hungry and reduce malnutrition, ISFH Foundation has created the Janaki Feeding Movement.
Zero Hunger in India is the aim of the Janaki Feeding Movement, and ISFH Foundation extends its activities throughout the nation. We distribute nutritious food to the hunger victims for a full day. The Janaki Feeding Movement is a continuous process that focuses on supplying the needs of the poor until we achieve a hunger-free nation.
Program Highlights
Ration Kit Distribution is a part of the Janaki Feeding Movement conducted at Ranchi, Jharkhand, on 16 February 2021 from 12 Noon to 1:30 PM at the ISFH office premises at Ranchi. The primary motive of the ISFH Foundation is to serve the nation and help to overcome the challenges. Hunger is the severe form of denying the rights of people. Hence, we have lifted humanity to save the victims of hunger by supplying adequate nutritious food in either raw or cooked form.
We are inspired to fill the starving stomachs with healthy food. ISFH Foundation provides happy ration kits to serve the millions of hunger in India. Support Janaki Feeding Movement by joining as a member, volunteer, or supporter of the organization.